This publication examines the constraints in developing inland waterway transport (IWT) based on a study in the PRC’s Hunan province. Six major challenges threatening the viability of IWT and its integration into the whole logistics chain have been identified as investment constraints, market constraints, information constraints, technical constraints, regulatory constraints, and an inadequate inland ports and logistics system.
The analyses and case study lead to recommendations that are relevant not just to the PRC but also to other developing countries. Based on the experiences of Hunan Province, the PRC, and the European Union, there are seven broad recommendations for development of IWT in the PRC.
Reducing economic disparity within provinces, and coordinating planning and development of transport and land use.
Promoting integrated transport planning and intermodality.
Developing inland ports.
Improving customer service.
Directing inland waterway transport incentive programs toward market players.
Managing the relationship between government and state-owned enterprises.
Enhancing stakeholder participation.