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Petit atlas về cây trồng

Tương lai hậu nhân loại: Hậu quả của cách mạng công nghệ sinh học

Tương lai hậu nhân loại: Hậu quả của cách mạng công nghệ sinh học

Pediatric Practice Ophthalmology

14 Ngày
Availability: Còn trong kho
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Hands-on, full-color guidance for treating ophthalmic diseases in children

600 full-color clinical images and illustrations

This is a hybrid between a textbook and a clinical guide that aims to bridge the knowledge gap between general pediatric practitioners and specialized pediatric ophthalmologists in the care of children with eye disease. It is organized in an easy-to-use fashion with numerous pictures and clinical algorithms to make it useful for everyday use. 3 Stars.--Doody's Review Service

Part of the Pediatric Practice series, Pediatric Practice: Ophthalmology is filled with practical, clinically relevant guidance on the successful diagnosis and management of children with ophthalmic symptoms and diseases. The care of the patient forms the core of this book, which also provides perspectives on epidemiology, pathophysiology, and diagnosis that every pediatrician, pediatric resident, and nurse should be familiar with. Over 600 full-color clinical images and illustrations highlight the techniques, diseases, and disorders discussed throughout the book.

The book is logically divided into three parts: the first section describes the examination techniques, instruments, and ancillary tests used for evaluation of pediatric eye disorders. The second section on symptoms provides a straightforward how-to approach based on specific clinical presentations allowing pediatricians to quickly evaluate and accurately diagnose a patient in the office. The third section on diseases follows the style of traditional medical textbooks, offering greater detail on treatment of disease while maintaining the book's easy-to-absorb presentation.
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Tác giả Gregg T. Lueder