Ngọc Quan Âm

Ngọc Quan Âm

Muôn Kiếp Nhân Sinh: Many Lives Many Times

Muôn Kiếp Nhân Sinh: Many Lives Many Times

Muốn làm gì tôi thì làm

14 Ngày
Availability: Còn trong kho
tôn giáo triết học tâm lý
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DO WITH ME WHAT YOU WILL brings to life a most transfixing heroine, Elena Howe. A novel with a contemporary setting reflecting today's social upheavals and shifting morality, it is, in the author's words, "a love story that concentrates upon the tension between two American 'pathways': the way of tradition, or Law; and the way of spontaneous emotion--in this case, Love. In the synthesis of these two apparently contradictory forces lies the inevitable transformation of our culture.
Giới thiệu sách
Rating 3.00
Tác giả Joyce Carol Oates