The Museum of Drawers 1970-1977: Five Hundred Works of Modern Art

The Museum of Drawers 1970-1977: Five Hundred Works of Modern Art

摩登佳丽 : 月份牌与海派文化 / Modern beauties

摩登佳丽 : 月份牌与海派文化 / Modern beauties

Modern European Landscape Design

14 Ngày
Availability: Còn trong kho
ngoại văn tiếng anh, kiến trúc nghệ thuật
thư viện khth
The European has established a global reputation for their landscape design. Based on an eclecticism of various exotic styles and considerations for local geological conditions, European landscape architects have successfully established their own characteristics. The book selects the latest inspiring projects located in Europe created by local landscape architects, illustrating the growing trends of landscape design in this region.
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Số trang 280
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Tác giả Udo Dagenbach