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Miền quá vãng (sáng tác - nghiên cứu - văn học - nghệ thuật)

Magnum Streetwise

Magnum Streetwise

Mastering Digital Exposure and HDR Imaging: Understanding the Next-Generation of Digital Cameras

14 Ngày
Availability: Còn trong kho
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Mastering Digital Exposure will take the “pro and aspiring pro” remit of the Mastering photography series into the little-understood realm of digital exposure. Of all the disciplines necessary for good photography, exposure remains the most challenging. Digital cameras have added to that challenge by introducing new considerations when dealing with exposure. These are sometimes complex (e.g. the linear nature of digital sensors, the occurrence of digital noise, mastering the digital histogram); often they are generic to photography but their application is different to that for film (e.g. white balance, ISO equivalency, dynamic range). A few will form the basis of the development of the next generation of digital cameras, in particular High Dynamic Range imaging. All of them need explaining and this book will be the first to do it, comprehensively, for the commercial digital user.

Mastering Digital Exposure covers all aspects of controlling and managing exposure in-camera for commercially-viable results explored and discussed in language suitable for professionals and aspiring professionals. The book will include case studies form real-world projects and assignments, both studio and field based.
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Review https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24696315
Số trang 191
Rating 5.00
Tác giả Chris Weston