Rebirth Views in the Surangama Sutra examines the profound philosophical ideology contained in the Surangama Sutra. It points to the mind of illusion that leads to reincarnation and suffering and shows us how to escape. Just as a gardener selects the most beautiful flowers that she knows will please the recipient, contents of this book mention only rebirth views in the Surangama Sutra. . Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem la mot bo kinh thuoc he tu tuong thuong thua lieu nghia, co rat nhieu tu tuong tham ao an tang trong kinh. Nhu mot vuon hoa co rat nhieu hoa no dep, tuyet dep nhat la hoa cuc trang tinh khiet noi ve Tang tanh Nhu Lai Tang, hoa cuc vang noi ve mat luan chuyen cua thuc tinh nguyen minh va nhieu hoa khac nua. Noi dung cuon sach nho nay chi noi ve mat y nghia luan hoi ma trong kinh Thu Lang Nghiem co de cap den. Nhu nguoi lam vuon chi xin nhat hoa cuc de moi nguoi xem.