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Hành Trình Cuộc Sống 1038

Hành Trình Cuộc Sống 1038

Hãy Sống Cuộc Đời Như Bạn Muốn

14 Ngày
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sct bookbus, sct hà nội, sct đà nẵng, thư viện khth, thu vien dfree

Living Big profiles people who are living fully and completely. In these everyday heroes and heroines, we not only recognize our own potential but learn how to create our own big lives. Chapters conclude with three soul-searching questions and a section called "Boot Camp for the Soul," which includes actual practices readers can undertake to start Living Big now!

Giới thiệu sách
Review https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25792031
Rating 3.67
Tác giả Pam Grout