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Developing Renewable Energy Mini-Grids in Myanmar: A Guidebook

14 Ngày
Availability: Còn trong kho
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This guidebook documents the experiences and lessons learned from developing 12 pilot mini-grid systems for off-grid energy access in Myanmar. Unelectrified rural communities typically located 10 kilometers from the national grid and without prospects of being connected to the grid in the next 5 to 10 years have been chosen for the project. This guidebook shares training materials and knowledge on the major aspects of minigrid development for rural electrification. Further, it highlights the importance of community participation and discusses the main renewable energy technologies that are suitable for mini-grid development in Myanmar including solar, hydro, and biomass. This guidebook is intended to serve government officials, renewable energy developers, and potential investors in the development of mini-grid projects in Myanmar.
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Tác giả Asian Development Bank