10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao - Con người

10 vạn câu hỏi vì sao - Con người

Từ điển công nghệ luyện kim cơ khí = Dictionary of metallurgical and mechanical technology English-Vietnamese : khoảng 80.000 từ / Lê Văn Ninh, Lê Chí Cường

Từ điển công nghệ luyện kim cơ khí = Dictionary of metallurgical and mechanical technology English-Vietnamese : khoảng 80.000 từ / Lê Văn Ninh, Lê Chí Cường

Cơ cấu trí khôn

14 Ngày
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Hailed by educators throughout the world, Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has been applied in hundreds of classrooms and school districts since Frames of Mind was first published in 1983. Gardner challenges the widely help notion that intelligence is a single general capacity possessed by every individual to a greater or lesser extent. Amassing a wealth of evidence, Gardner posits the existence of a number of intelligences that ultimately yield a unique cognitive profile for each person. This tenth anniversary edition, published in conjunction with a reader on multiple intelligences, features a new introduction that explores the theory's development over the last decade.
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Tác giả Howard Gardner